Python Data Visualization Tutorial
This article demos Python data visualizations on the Iris dataset
We'll use three libraries for this tutorial: pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn.
# First, we'll import pandas, a data processing and CSV file I/O library
import pandas as pd
# We'll also import seaborn, a Python graphing library
import warnings # current version of seaborn generates a bunch of warnings that we'll ignore
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sns.set(style="white", color_codes=True)
# Next, we'll load the Iris flower dataset, which is in the "../input/" directory
iris = pd.read_csv("../input/Iris.csv") # the iris dataset is now a Pandas DataFrame
# Let's see what's in the iris data - Jupyter notebooks print the result of the last thing you do
# Press shift+enter to execute this cell
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